Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

For all my readers (however many there may be) on the East Coast and other places up north, it's 10 PM this evening and we have the windows open enjoying 70 degree weather. Just sayin'.....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Why Am I In Texas - Just Look at This

Grandson in the snow in Maryland - Good God are you people crazy?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

My darling wife wrote this last night. I thought it should be shared:

Dear Madam Speaker

Regarding your statement that Obama was “dealt a very bad hand because there was no plan in Afghanistan for years.”

I will just borrow the highly professional statement you made regarding Bush on national television in 2008 (yes, we were SO proud of you)

"You know, God bless HER, bless HER heart, Speaker of the House, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject,"

You boobs in the house and senate still don't get it, do you? History is at our fingertips. Plans, proposals, and requests for more troops, funding, etc - ALL of that is online. Do you ever bother searching for your own name? In 2007 you were more interested in bashing Bush than actually working to bring this nation together to accomplish the missions in Iraq AND Afghanistan.

Additionally, the Bush administration gave unprecedented briefings to the Obama administration (which asked the Bush administration to keep the findings quiet)and they foolishly honored that request.

The defense spending bill was loaded with DOMESTIC costs totally unrelated to either war - because you and your sorry ilk REALLY don't get it. You play games with our troops, and our country. You run your mouths then hide in private sessions while the rest of us have to cope with the disasters YOU promote or refuse to thwart because it cuts into your social programs and payoffs.

Your childish rants and outright LIES regarding real life and death issues are a disgrace to the office, and this nation. It goes without saying that conservatives mock you - but so do centrists, moderates and independents. You open your mouth, and give voters a reason to think that women are not equipped for this job. Thanks for that. Now grow up, knock of the b.s. rhetoric and treat this position with the respect it demands.