Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday

One of the great pleasures of my life has been the daughter I “inherited” when she was just a little girl. Now, grown into a beautiful young woman, I discover her to be a friend.

Her dedication to her friends and family, her unceasing devotion to a woman who started as a patient and became much more before her untimely passing has been an inspiration to me and, I know, for many other people who watched this drama unfold over the last three years.

She has been through struggles and some hard times and those efforts have made her strong and proud. And there’s a lot to be proud of.

Happy Birthday Lindsay.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Random Encounters

I was at the Ford dealer's customer lounge yesterday morning waiting for my car and of course CNN was on. And of course the CNN head was talking about The One's Peace Prize and how his Oneness was going to fix the economy, battle for health care reform and make it possible for us all to live on milk and honey and not have nasty old jobs. A lady sitting next to me was taking in every word. And I started to notice. She was rolling her eyes, huffing and puffing like she was going to blow down the house. Every once in a while I heard her mutter - "Idiot - Fool - Damfool ideas - Idiot".

I meet a lot of people every day in this job and everyone wants to talk. I just sit and listen and I'm seeing more every day that this lady's reaction is widespread in Austin Texas. If he's losing Austin, maybe there's hope yet.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shaved Heads and Law Enforcement

Hanging around the airport yesterday I noticed the the police officers who also hang out there and I got to wondering. What's with all the shaved heads? Having mucked around in the woods and the desert I remember well that having no hair on your head is the best way to keep clean and not itch. But city cops? And why is it that all the shaved heads are on top of scowling, intimidation-mode faces? Seriously. Are these guys all Reservist Army Rangers who may get called up at a moments notice and don't have time to get haircuts? But I've known lots of Army Rangers who just keep a high-and-tight but don't shave it all off. Conducting a little experiment I spoke to each police officer I saw yesterday, a total of six. One had hair and he nodded and said "Good morning, sir". The other five, all shaved heads, just glared at me when I said "Good morning" and none of them said a word in reply.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

FEDEX - A Hero

Click on the title and try to read what FEDEX did for a little girl and not get a tear. HT - Radley Balko