Friday, August 7, 2009

Youtube is Doctoring the Numbers

UPDATE: Page view is now showing over 13 thousand. Maybe they got the message.

Youtube has a video up of union thugs attacking protestors at Rep Carnahan's office St Louis here:

Google/Youtube is doctoring the page view numbers on this video, locking it at 313 views. I've hit it five times in the last 10 minutes, and it's embedded at Powerline, UrbanGrounds; Instapundit; and several other high traffic blogs. The idea this video has only been watched 313 times is simply ridiculous. They are deliberately sabotaging the number of views to make it look, I assume, like it's not being watched.

I'm off today and I'm forwarding as much as I can to If they want input, I'm going to give it to them. I'm also e-mailing that sorry Congressman who represents my district, but not me, Lloyd Doggett. My blood pressure went up when I went to his site and filled out the survey he has there. The only choices are the liberal, and I really mean socialist, talking points he has up there.


  1. Regarding the White House Flag account - I read an interesting snippet today. Apparently the judge Napalantino (sp) on Fox pointed out that this would create a legal problem for them, since they have to maintain ALL emails - meanwhile they are collecting information which will indeed include personal email addresses, etc..... not one of their smartest pet tricks to date.

  2. 247,640 Views as of 8:15 tonight
